A cute kitty holding the hand of a compassionate caregiver.

about us

cat friendly practice
fear free certified professionals

calm kitties, stress-free care

our core

We strive to provide exceptional, compassionate care for our feline patients and clients.
core values

fear  free experience

A gray cat getting examined by a doctor with a stethoscope
The Cat's Meow is a Cat Friendly Gold Practice
The Cat's Meow Staff are Fear Free Certified Professionals

We understand the stress and anxiety that can come with bringing your kitty to the vet. The Cat's Meow takes pride in making the visit as stress-free as possible. We believe a more quiet, calm environment helps kitties feel more comfortable and stress-free, allowing them to be examined calmly and effectively.

The Cat's Meow are Fear Free Certified Professionals. We aim to "take the 'pet' out of petrified" by providing a calm environment and a fear free experience for our feline patients and their human companions. Our focus is to reduce fear, anxiety, and stress by handling our patients with minimal or no restraint and closely observe patient comfort levels.

core values


a sleepy orange tabby kitten laying in her owners hands

We treat all of our patients as they are members of our very own beloved furry family. As such, The Cat's Meow offers a holistic approach to feline healthcare — we care for both the physical and emotional wellbeing of our patients.

Your kitty's long-term health is important to us. Not only are we thorough in our exams and treatments, we also carefully track the course of your cat's care. It is our priority to provide the best in prevention and healing methods to promote happy, healthy lives for your kitty.

core values


A cute kitty holding the hand of a compassionate caregiver.

The Cat's Meow veterinarians and technicians work in partnership with you to provide the highest quality care for your cat companions. We aim to provide you with thorough information and high-rated products and treatments. Together, we work as a team to maintain your kitty's health so they can live a longer, happier life.

core values

cutting-edge  tech

A studious orange tabby with glasses on reading a book

The Cat's Meow Veterinary Hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art medical and surgical technology to provide the best services to you and your cat. We pride ourselves in utilizing the latest veterinary equipment and medical techniques to help support our diagnoses.

Our doctors and staff attend extensive continuing education classes and conferences that are focused solely on cats to further our expertise and understanding in the unique, distinct needs and behaviors of cats.

The Cat's Meow Veterinary Hospital
Map marker

The cat's meow
Veterinary Hospital

4948 Overton Ridge
Fort Worth, Tx 76132

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The Cat's Meow Veterinary Hospital on the PetDesk app on Google Play and the App Store
Download the

PetDesk mobile app!

  • 1.  Install the app (links below)
  • 2.  Enter your email address that is associated with your client account at The Cat’s Meow.
  • 3.  The app will link your pets’ activity automatically!
  • Only available for active clients and patients
Download the Pet Health Network on Google Play