Calico kitty drinking out of her water bowl.

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health info

Comprehensive information relative to the health of your kitty.

Feline Health topics

Dental health topics


Health topics relating to diagnostics


Health topics relating to felines and their diet


Health topics relating to feline diseases


Surgery health topics


Surgery health topics


Remember that many human medications are very toxic to cats... NEVER give aspirin, tylenol, or any other medications to your pet without specific instructions!

dental  health info

Dental Health

We have the equipment to provide dental x-rays and perform surgical extractions (if needed for diseased teeth). This page discusses tooth brushing as well as professional cleanings and treatment.

Tooth Resorption

A common cause of oral pain in cats (even if they don't show any signs of pain!).

diagnostics  health info


A urinalysis (UA) is a series of tests performed on a urine sample. We test for pH, specific gravity, the presence of blood, protein, glucose, bilirubin, and ketones, and microscopically look for cells, bacteria, crystals, and casts.


Blood work - a peek on the inside.

Blood Pressure

To measure the blood pressure, a small area on the base of the tail (or a front or rear foot) is shaved. A small kitty-sized cuff is placed around the tail (or arm/leg).

diet  health info

Transition from Dry to Wet Cat Food

The transition process often involves much more than just plunking down a new food item. Time, patience and tricks are often required.

Pet Score / BMI

If your cat is overweight, it is at a higher risk for problems such as diabetes, arthritis, heart problems, and back problems.

diseases  health info

Kidney Disease

A disease that frequently occurs in senior and geriatric cats is kidney (renal) disease. The most common form is called chronic renal insufficiency (which progresses to renal failure). This syndrome is a result of a cat’s kidneys becoming less and less effective.

Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Hyperthyroidism is the overproduction of thyroid hormone. It is a common syndrome and generally affects older cats. There are 2 thyroid glands located in the neck. One or both of the glands can enlarge and overproduce thyroid hormone. Involvement of both glands is more common than involvement of one gland. Thyroid hormone affects the function of most organs in the body, so the signs of hyperthyroidism are quite variable.

Feline Diabetes

The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in cats is based upon the presence of persistently high blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) even when the animal had not eaten recently (fasted), concurrent glucose in the urine (glucosuria), and clinical signs

Heartworm Disease

Heartworm disease is caused by a roundworm called Dirofilaria immitis. Heartworms are most commonly found in dogs, although they can infect a wide variety of mammals, including cats. Adult heartworms live in the heart and major arteries of the lungs where they interfere with the function of the heart and lungs.

surgery  health info


Feline declawing is an elective procedure, which is not medically necessary for cats in most instances. Declawing entails the amputation of a cat’s third phalanx, or third ‘toe bone.’ Unlike human nails, cats’ claws are attached to the last bone in their toes. A comparison in human terms would be cutting off a person’s finger at the last joint of each finger.

Spay & Neuter

The following is a thorough description of the entire procedure we perform at The Cat's Meow so you more fully understand what is involved. It is our policy to provide for each patient’s needs as they arise, so that individual attention to the safety and comfort of your pet is assured. This allows the doctor to provide the best for her patient and avoids the assembly line low-cost approach.

wellness  health info

Arthritis Management

Arthritis is incredibly common in cats as they age, though they rarely limp or show overt signs of pain. They often simply "slow down" or sleep more or avoid jumping up/down or use intermediate objects (for example, jumping on a chair then table rather than straight from floor to table).

Toxic Plants

What's growing in your yard may be poisonous to your pets.

New Kitten

After selecting a kitten, it should be examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible. If there is a serious problem, it can be dealt with properly.

Senior Wellness

For most cats, middle-age occurs around 7 years of age. As they approach the senior and geriatric years, consider a more specialized approach to your pet's medical care. Because 1 human year equals several cat years, your pet should be examined more often than annually.

The Cat's Meow Veterinary Hospital
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The cat's meow
Veterinary Hospital

4948 Overton Ridge
Fort Worth, Tx 76132

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